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My dearest friend, Nannette, woke me this am and, as she wended her way through the rolling hills of North Georgia toward her work in Atlanta, she groused about her brother's upcoming nuptials and my lack of blogging. "I miss your wit, sweetie," she says in her generic American drawl. For a woman born in Puerto Rico, raised in Atlanta, Ohio, and England with summers in Belgium she has no discernible dialect.
"I miss my wit too," I say in my equally non-identifying speech-born in Canada, raised in Jersey and Florida, managed to escape.
I tell her how I took time off from the blog to make an epic retirement gift for my parents and visit them in their motor home. I tell her how I've wanted to write a blog entry about habits. Habits are like an old-time printing press. The plates, ink, and whatever else goes on the big roller thing to begin churning out the pages. First it lumbers along clanging and banging until all the parts are wet with ink and lined with paper. It moves with grace then, a new paper fresh with the latest scandal sliding off the ramp to the click of a metronome. Once someone yells, "Stop the presses", which really didn't happen too often, the machine sputters to a halt. Getting it going again requires another round of clacks and squeaks.
I hope this entry will grease my wheels for writing again. I've had things to say but I don't like to say them unless I can articulate them in a certain way. This blog is subtitled, "Finding the Funny", so when I can't be funny about something I tend to shy away from the keyboard.
Nannette tells me her brother will have 250 guests at his wedding and that his fiancee had a little breakdown yesterday. She, in her daily life, wants to make everybody happy, but at her wedding it's going to be impossible. Never having had a wedding or desiring a big hullabaloo, I'm not sure how it's done, but I believe one can find a place between bridezilla and bowling pin. It's your day, Girl! Make memories that matter to you and those closest to you.
I reassure Nan that boarding a helicopter to the top of a mountain and looking pretty is the most she'll have to do for my day.
Love It!! Glad you are back...i do have a couple of issues..he he he.
First...i never actually lived in Belgium...parents lived there, and i spent the summer months visiting while I was going to college (or should i say, they thought i was going to college - which i was...sometimes...but i digress...thats another story). But...we did live in England for a few years when i was young, so...i guess that does count.
Second...i would suggest you re-read the blog...besides your obvious wit...which is always's even more hilarious, since it's pretty obvious you ran it through the spell checker.
I think you need to write a blog about the pit-falls of spell checking. A word is misspelled, it gives you options, you pick the first option...and on your way you go. Unfortunately, you picked the wrong word, so now...the word is perfectly spelled, but alas...the sentence now doesn't make sense. (if you didn't do the spell-checker's even funnier...nothing to blame & your mind was elsewhere. Worried about money are you?).
OK...find the word(s)...GO!!
Ahh, well you know some people view marriage as a monetary arrangement. So sorry I forgot about England- and I really thought you live in Belgium for a time.
Love you
Oh yes, the Gainesville, Jesse, Gulf War years. Good Times!
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